Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Cleaning Goal for the New Year

My goal (I'm not calling it a resolution since those tend to be broken easily) for the year is to try to get more organized and more regularly work on the "other household cleaning/projects" that I often put off--you know, things like vacuuming the stairs, filing, mending, etc.  I do pretty well with laundry and the dishes and other things that really need to be done regularly.  My kitchen counters and tables may not get a thorough cleaning as often as ideal but they do get cleaned fairly regularly.  But there is plenty else around here that I have been pretty bad about procrastinating on.

So far this year, I have been doing better.  I've gotten a lot of the filing done.  Over the past few days, I have mended a bunch of things that needed mending.  I've vacuumed the stairs, and while I was vacuuming, I realized that lack of a decent stair tool was the big reason I always put this off, so I added that to my Amazon wish list.  I am in the middle of cleaning my drain rack (it's soaking as I type).  I have hemmed my son's tux pants for the wedding in a week.  We are all working on teaching the 3-1/2-year-old to pick up after himself (which will help all of us keep areas clean).  Overall, I think I'm doing pretty well for someone who really hates cleaning.  I hope I can really keep this up because it will make me feel so much better to have my house cleaner. 

So, here's looking forward to a cleaner year!

Does anyone else have any goals for 2013?  How are they shaping up?