Friday, April 1, 2011

Writing in my Head

How come I can always write better in my head?  I often come up with these great blog entries.  I come up with them while feeding the baby before bed, while I’m trying to relax to go to sleep, while I’m doing dishes or vacuuming.  Yet, even if I go to write them down immediately, it seems that my fingers stumble over the words as I type, and I can never remember the exact way I said it in my head.  It is soooooo frustrating, especially since what was in my head often sounded really good.  

I keep wishing someone would come up with something you could strap to your head so it would translate your brainwaves to words and type them for you while you are away from your keyboard.  Since I come up with some great story ideas and dialogue as I drift to sleep, this would help me out tons!  I’d have to make sure to password protect it, though, as I wouldn’t want other people in my house stumbling upon and reading my every thought.  And, o f course, this type of thing could be misused so it’d have to be set up with great firewalls and all.  But wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get the words you “write” in your head documented immediately?  Then you could edit (and delete what you wanted) later.

This could also help in other cases.  For example, a woman I know who got out of bed to type in the  middle of the night to write, but she didn’t want to wake her husband, so she typed with the monitor off, going by feel.  Her fingers were a few keys off—she had a heck of a time trying to make out the jumble the next day.  If she could just compose in her head and have the data stored on her computer, she'd have been all set! 

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