Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Doctor the English Professor?

Have you ever gone to a new doctor only to find that s/he reminds you of someone else and that this resemblance is more than mildly distracting?  I’ve had this happen on several occasions. 
I had a gynecologist who reminded me of my sixth grade science teacher.  Thankfully, the resemblance was passing.  Plus, I got pregnant and had to move to an OB, so I no longer and to worry about it. 

But then came the dermatologist quest:  my wonderful dermatologist left her practice to join a practice closer to her home.  I don’t begrudge her this move—nothing wrong with wanting to have more time with your kids, and a long commute makes that hard.  However, I sure do miss her.   So, I had to choose another doctor from her original practice or find another dermatologist.  Since her old practice is close to my daughter’s school, it is in the perfect location.  However, the first replacement doctor I chose looked almost exactly like  a college English professor I had.  On top of that, this doctor had the same type of quirky behavior as my English professor.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I respected and admired that professor.  She was a great mentor.  But having her doppelganger examine my moles was a little too weird.  So, I chose yet another doctor.

When I met the latest doctor, I liked her.  She was a little more like a motherly type.  But she also reminded me a little of my daughter’s art teacher.  The resemblance is not quite as close as the previous doctor and the English professor, but it’s enough to make me wonder if my old dermatologist is still on my health plan—maybe I should go further just to avoid being weirded out.  But, come to think of it, my original doctor does look a little like my friend from elementary school…

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