Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting Organized

Organization is one of the things I struggle with CONSTANTLY.  I'm bad during normal times, but over the last three years, it has gotten WAY out of hand, and I've decided it must stop.  To be fair to myself, I had my hands quite full.  It's hard to do much when you're exhausted, and with pregnancy (with 8 mos. of nausea), nursing, thyroid issues, a burst eardrum, toothaches, diapering, Tink's school and friend activities, and everything else, it was really hard for me to eke out time to do much other than the "musts"--dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.  However, things are settling down (and Pinterest is making me itch to do household stuff), so IT IS TIME.

Over the past few weeks, I've been gradually working on the organization process.  I've made more room in the hall closet (simply by organizing what was there), which is allowing me to put some things that were shoved in the guest/craft room away.  I've got a new sewing box (thanks, Mom!) and a wrapping paper box, both of which have helped with organizing the craft room.  I'm starting to pare down some of Ace's baby toys to give to a friend with a baby.  I've got 3 boxes ready to donate to Goodwill.  I will get the Christmas decorations down this coming weekend.  And, most important of all, I have to have the entire downstairs organized enough to host my Girl Scout troop at the end of the month, so I WILL CONTINUE until I get it done.  Then I will move onto the master bedroom (you don't even want to know) and the garage (a no-man's land if ever I saw one).

Of course, once everything is done, the key is to figure how to get my family to help me keep it going.  That's going to be a challenge!

Now, if any of you out there have some organizational ideas, I'd love to hear them.  Nothing inspires me to organize like good ideas on how to do it!

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