Thursday, November 22, 2012


A lot of people on Facebook are doing 30 days of thankfulness.  I like that idea, but I don’t have the dedication to list a different item every day.  So, I’m making a list (in no particular order) here.
  1.  My husband.  As with all humans, he’s not perfect, but he’s a wonderful father and an all-around awesome partner.  Honestly, he is my rock. 
  2.  My children.  I have two beautiful children who give me joy every day.  Even when they are driving me insane. My parents.  Both have taught me much in life. 
  3. Food.  Yep, that’s basic.  However, there are people who have a hard time being able to afford food, and that makes me sad.  So, even though it may not always be prepared as well as I’d like (and it’s usually me who screws it up), I am VERY thankful we always have food on our table.
  4. My husband’s job.  Without his job that allows us to afford everything we have and allows me to stay home, our life would not be as good as it is. 
  5. Our home.  It’s just the size we wanted, and we could afford it.  I’m so glad we have a nice place to raise our children in.
  6. Other family and friends.  I have a very diverse group of people in my life.  Each one has added something to my life.  They challenge me intellectually, support me when I’m down, and in general are all nice to have around, even when we don’t agree.
  7. My Girl Scout Troop and Co-leaders.  I never planned to be a troop leader, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  I wound up with three of the most amazing co-leaders a person could ask for.  We all work hard to make our troop fun and educational.  I’m grateful that they are in my life.
  8. Creativity.  I’m not the best at everything I want to work on artistically, but I enjoy being creative immensely.  Painting, sketching, writing, etc., all keep me sane in an insane world.
  9. Freedom.  Living in the United States, I’m entitled to have my own opinions and to express them (preferably in a kind way, though sometimes I do fail to do that—I’m working on that one).
  10. Nature.  I always feel better when I can get outside and enjoy the greenery.  Flowers, trees, animals.  They are all wonders to behold.  (Yeah, it’s a cliché, but it’s true!)
  11. Health.  I’m thankful that, for the most part, my family and I are healthy.  Yeah, we get our share of those bugs that go around, but overall, we’re doing pretty well.
  12. Chocolate.  I’m an addict.  I admit it.  I just love the taste of rich, dark chocolate slowly melting on my tongue.  It’s not life changing, but it is very, very nice.
  13.  Arizona’s Open Enrollment Policy.  This allows a child to go to any public school that has room, though parents may need to provide the transportation.  When your gifted child is supposed to go to one of the worst schools in the area (especially when your state is not known for great schools), having some choice means a lot.  Because of this law, she is in a great program suited to her needs.
  14. Books.  I love them.  My house is full of them.  They take me to other places, times, universes.  They feed my imagination and my curiosity.
  15. Movies.  Ditto what I said about books.
  16. Rainbows.  They’re pretty.  They feel optimistic. 
  17. Being ticklish.  Most people probably think I’m weird for saying that, and that’s okay.  I think it’s really fun to have a giggle fest that started as a tickle fight.

I had hoped to have at least 30 by now, but with my family, doctor's appointments, and Girl Scouts, I'm afraid that's as far as I got.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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